Thursday, 28 May 2015

The relationship between teaching and learning style

Many teachers forget that students learn differently.  At times students get frustrated because of this neglect and suffer while learning various subjects.  Here is a reminder of the way students learn by looking at the diagram below.

As one can see, students choose at least one style of learning that will allow them to form concepts from content given.  The learning style of students for one subject may not be the same for the learning of another subject.  The same would be for the teaching style of the teacher who adjust his teaching style based on the subject that is needed to be taught.

It is important that teachers should try to use a model to assist them in understanding how to teach students with diverse learning styles.  Marzano, R., et.-al, (1997) spoke of the Dimensions of Learning that our teachers should be acquainted with.  The diagram below suggests that our students start with the perception of learning; attitudes and perceptions, and end with habits of mind.  Combining Marzano, the various teaching and learning styles, good teaching and learning environment can be established.

Many of our teachers need to remember that they were once students and should recall the fun and challenges they had in learning from their teachers.   Therefore, with that in mind, I am asking our teachers to be mindful of the students they teach.  Not all students can adopt the exact style their teachers had learnt and thus teachers should remember that each student has his own unique way of learning.

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